
基於市場環境變化,HBGL Hong Kong Limited(“HBGL”)的管理團隊早前經深思熟慮後決定撤回向香港證監會提交的虛擬資產交易平台(“VATP ”)申請。HBGL 早前已停止所有交易和入金功能,並停止接受新用戶註冊。
如果您在平台下線後需要提幣,請您傳送個人資料到 support@huobihk.com 進行提幣申請,包括您的姓名,登記電郵,手機號碼,香港身分證(正面及背面),UID 及提幣地址,完成後我們會聯絡您以核對身份並進一步完成提幣流程。
如遇到任何問題需要幫助,請發電郵到 support@huobihk.com 查詢,謝謝。


Dear user:

Based on changes in the market environment, the management team of HBGL Hong Kong Limited (“HBGL”) has carefully deliberated and made the decision to withdraw the virtual asset trading platform (“VATP”) application submitted to the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) of Hong Kong previously. HBGL has previously ceased accepting the registration of new users and has stopped all trading activities and deposit functions of existing users.
For the withdrawal application, please send us your personal information via email at support@huobihk.com, including your name, registered email address, phone number, HKID (front and back), UID and withdrawal address. We will contact you to verify your identity and further assist with the withdrawal process. If customers encounter any issue, please contact us via email at support@huobihk.com. Thank you.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

HBGL Hong Kong Limited